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Healthy Harvesters

Pollinator Essential Mix

Pollinator Essential Mix

Regular price $19.00
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Pollinators Essential Mix

Pollinator Essentials Mix is a good start for Native Bees, Butterflies, Beneficial Insect Pollinators & Honey Bees!

Sometimes we tend to forget about the smaller things in life that really do make the world go round. Just as wildlife has suffered from increased fragmentation of land through urbanization, so have bees, beetles, & butterflies. Not long ago, beekeepers would ask farmers to set beehives near croplands in exchange for some honey. Now farmers are paying beekeepers to bring in hives for their crops. Hives are trucked all over the nation. A third of U.S. food supply depends on pollinators. Why the decline in pollinators? Could it be the increased use of pesticides... or light pollution to the night sky? Whatever the reasons, many organizations are offering helpful information and incentives for people to plant pollinator habitats. Pollinators like plants that produce pollen, nectar, habitat, shelter and safety from predators. Pollinators need nectar throughout most of the year, not just in spring. Planting diverse native wildflowers will benefit honey bees & native bees.

(100% native seed, no fillers)

American Basketflower
Black-eyed Susan
Butterfly Weed
Cutleaf Daisy
Illinois Bundleflower
Indian Basket

Lanceleaf Coreopsis
Lemon Mint
Partridge Pea
Plains Coreopsis
Purple Coneflower
Purple Prairie Clover
White Prairie Clover

Covers up to 200 sq ft

Height: 6"-3'
Bloom: March-October
Light: Full Sun
Water: Medium
Origin: North America
Deer Resistant: No

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