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Healthy Harvesters

Boston Fern

Boston Fern

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Boston Fern Nephrolepis exaltata  Bostoniensis 

Boston fern is a common ornamental plant frequently grown as a houseplant in cold climates. The species Nephrolepis exaltata is a tropical species of sword fern (in the family Lomariopsidaceae), native to humid forests from northern South America through Mexico, in Florida and the West Indies where it can grow up to 7 feet tall.

Plant Characteristics 

The plant called Boston fern – N. exaltata ‘Bostoniensis’ – is a natural variant of the species that was discovered in a large shipment of ferns sent from Philadelphia to Boston in 1894. This evergreen fern is hardy in zones 9-11, so can be grown outdoors in very mild climates but it adapts readily to container culture for use indoors or seasonally outdoors in other parts of the world.


Your plant will be shipped with the roots wrapped in damp paper towels and with plastic and ready to plant upon arrival. These have been growing in one gallon containers.  The plants will be between 7 to 10 inches in height with well-developed roots.

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